Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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BASIC Source File
463 lines
' ** Q4T-DEMO.BAS **
' Demonstration of the capabilities of the Q4Tool Library routines
' Written for and compiled with Microsoft (R), QuickBASIC 4.00b (C)
' By R. J. Crouch - June 1990
' Copyright - 1990 - CareWare
' All Rights Reserved
' For Q4tool v.1.1
REM $INCLUDE: 'Q4T.BI' ' Contains declarations for
' Ctr() and Delay()
TYPE RegType ' Necessary for the CALL to
ax AS INTEGER ' the QB's Interrupt()
bx AS INTEGER ' routine
dx AS INTEGER ' Generally placed in the
bp AS INTEGER ' "$INCLUDE:" file
flags AS INTEGER '
DIM InReg AS RegType, OutReg AS RegType ' Typed for Interrupt()
DIM ScrnBuf(8) AS STRING * 4000 ' Room for 9 screens
' w/ option base 0
CONST CONT = "Press any key to continue" ' Prompts
CONST MCONT = "Left mouse button to continue" '
b1$ = CHR$(221) + " ": b2$ = " " + CHR$(222) ' Brackets
cpyr$ = b1$ + "Copyright - 1990 - CareWare" + b2$
mpos1$ = b1$ + "Row ## - Col ##" + b2$ ' Formats for
mpos2$ = b1$ + "Y ### - X ###" + b2$ ' PRINT USING
buttons = 0
'ON KEY(10) GOSUB Terminate ' For programming
'KEY(10) ON ' purposes only
'Title Screen
COLOR 0, 1, 0: CLS
CALL DoWindow(2, 6, 23, 69, 14, 6, 5, 0, "Q4Tool Demo", 2)
CALL PrtScrn(cpyr$, 24, 25, 110)
CALL DoWindow(5, 13, 16, 55, 15, 0, 5, 3, CONT, 3)
FOR row = 7 TO 16
READ line$: lctr = Ctr(line$)
IF row < 10 THEN att = 12 ELSE att = 14
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, lctr, att)
NEXT row
READ line$
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row + 1, lctr, 10)
CALL PutScrn(ScrnBuf(0))
CALL Delay(0, 0)
CALL MouseStatus(have) ' Check for mouse interrupt
IF have THEN ' Ask to use mouse
CALL DoWindow(7, 16, 12, 49, 12, 0, 1, 0, "", 0)
CALL PrtScrn(STRING$(29, 220), 20, 26, 15)
CALL MouseVersion(ver$)
FOR row = 9 TO 14
READ line$: lcrt = Ctr(line$)
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, lctr, 14)
IF row = 10 THEN CALL PrtScrn(ver$, row, lctr + 26, 10)
NEXT row
finish! = TIMER + 30
i$ = UCASE$(INKEY$) ' Wait for key
now! = TIMER ' or 30 sec.
LOOP UNTIL i$ = "N" OR i$ = "Y" OR now! > finish!
IF i$ = "Y" THEN ' Initialize mouse driver
prompt$ = MCONT: pctr = Ctr(MCONT) ' Use mouse prompt
CALL MouseReset(buttons) ' Return # of buttons
mouse = TRUE
ELSE ' Mouse not wanted
prompt$ = CONT: pctr = Ctr(CONT) ' Use key prompt
mouse = FALSE
CALL PrtScrn(prompt$, 16, pctr, 10)
CALL Delay(30, 0)
ELSE ' No mouse detected
FOR x = 1 TO 6: READ nul$: NEXT x ' Skip mouse text data
CALL GetScrn(ScrnBuf(0)) ' Retrieve opening screen
IF mouse THEN CALL PrtScrn(b1$ + prompt$ + b2$, 20, pctr - 2, 15)
CALL Delay(60, 0)
CALL DoWindow(8, 14, 9, 53, 13, 0, 5, 3, prompt$, 3)
FOR row = 11 TO 13
READ line$: lctr = Ctr(line$)
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, lctr, 15)
NEXT row
CALL Delay(60, 0)
'Frame types and screen save/restore
COLOR 0, 0, 0: CLS
col = 0: frm = -1: scrn = -1
bgd = 0: fgd = 15
FOR row = 2 TO 14 STEP 3
col = col + 6: bgd = bgd + 1
frm = frm + 1: fgd = fgd - 1
CALL DoWindow(row, col, 10, 20, fgd, bgd, frm, 0, "Window", 2)
scrn = scrn + 1
CALL PutScrn(ScrnBuf(scrn)) ' Screen save w/PutScrn()
NEXT row
FOR row = 11 TO 2 STEP -3
col = col + 6: bgd = bgd + 1
frm = frm + 1: fgd = fgd - 1
IF frm = 6 THEN frm = 1
IF fgd = 9 THEN fgd = 14
CALL DoWindow(row, col, 10, 20, fgd, bgd, frm, 0, "Q4Tool", 3)
IF scrn < 8 THEN ' Save all but last screen
scrn = scrn + 1
CALL PutScrn(ScrnBuf(scrn)) ' Save screens for later use
NEXT row
FOR row = 3 TO 9
READ line$
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, col + 2, 31)
NEXT row
CALL PrtScrn(prompt$, 25, pctr, 10)
CALL Delay(60, 0)
CALL DoWindow(9, 12, 7, 56, 15, 0, 5, 0, "", 3)
FOR row = 11 TO 13
READ line$: lctr = Ctr(line$)
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, lctr, 10)
NEXT row
CALL Delay(60, 0)
FOR show = 7 TO 0 STEP -1
CALL GetScrn(ScrnBuf(show)) ' Retrieve saved screens
NEXT show
FOR row = 5 TO 7
CALL PrtScrn("* Fast *", row, 11, 16)
NEXT row
CALL Delay(2, 0)
CALL DoWindow(10, 12, 7, 56, 15, 0, 5, 0, prompt$, 3)
FOR row = 12 TO 13
READ line$: lctr = Ctr(line$)
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, lctr, 10)
NEXT row
CALL Delay(60, 0)
FOR show = 1 TO 8
CALL GetScrn(ScrnBuf(show)) ' Screen restore w/GetScrn()
CALL Delay(.33, 0) ' .33 second delay added
NEXT show
CALL PrtScrn("Now a three", 5, 58, 31)
CALL PrtScrn("second delay", 7, 58, 31)
CALL Delay(3, 0)
FOR show = 8 TO 0 STEP -1
CALL GetScrn(ScrnBuf(show))
CALL Delay(.33, 0)
NEXT show
CALL DoWindow(2, 6, 10, 20, 4, 7, 5, 0, "Q4Tool", 2)
CALL PrtScrn("* Next *", 5, 11, 112)
CALL PrtScrn("Shadow Styles", 7, 10, 112)
CALL PrtScrn(prompt$, 25, pctr, 10)
CALL Delay(60, 0)
CALL DoWindow(1, 1, 25, 80, 9, 3, 5, 0, prompt$, 3)
CALL DoWindow(2, 21, 3, 38, 0, 7, 1, 0, "", 0)
CALL DoWindow(6, 41, 18, 35, 1, 1, 0, 0, "", 0)
READ line$: lctr = Ctr(line$)
CALL PrtScrn(line$, 3, lctr, 117)
FOR row = 7 TO 16 STEP 9
FOR col = 8 TO 43 STEP 35
shadow = shadow + 1: back = back + 1
CALL DoWindow(row, col, 7, 30, 14, back, back, shadow, "", 0)
FOR x = row + 2 TO row + 4
READ line$
CALL PrtScrn(line$, x, col + 5, back * 16)
NEXT col
back = back + 1
NEXT row
CALL PutScrn(ScrnBuf(0))
CALL Delay(60, 0)
CALL DoWindow(8, 9, 10, 62, 14, 0, 5, 0, prompt$, 3)
FOR row = 10 TO 14
READ line$: lctr = Ctr(line$)
IF row < 12 THEN att = 15 ELSE att = 10
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, lctr, att)
NEXT row
CALL Delay(60, 0)
CALL GetScrn(ScrnBuf(0))
CALL DoWindow(11, 12, 6, 57, 11, 0, 5, 0, prompt$, 3)
FOR row = 13 TO 14
READ line$
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, 18, 15)
NEXT row
CALL Delay(60, 0)
CALL ShowMenu ' Separate module linked to Q4T-DEMO
COLOR 1, 1, 0: CLS
CALL DoWindow(9, 12, 7, 57, 13, 0, 5, 3, prompt$, 3)
FOR row = 11 TO 12
READ line$
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, 18, 15) ' The source code SHOWMENU.BAS
NEXT row ' is provided with your
CALL Delay(60, 0) ' registration of Q4Tool
'Mouse Services
mver$ = b1$ + "Mouse Driver ver. " + ver$ + " - "
mstat$ = mver$ + "With" + STR$(buttons) + " buttons installed" + b2$
sctr = Ctr(mstat$)
CALL DoWindow(1, 1, 25, 80, 14, 1, 5, 0, "Q4Tool", 2)
CALL DoWindow(2, 31, 3, 20, 15, 1, 1, 0, "", 0)
CALL PrtScrn("Mouse Services", 3, 34, 31)
CALL DoWindow(5, 5, 10, 35, 12, 0, 5, 0, "Mouse State #1", 2)
CALL DoWindow(7, 14, 3, 18, 12, 0, 1, 0, "", 0)
CALL DoWindow(5, 42, 10, 35, 12, 0, 5, 0, "Mouse State #2", 2)
CALL DoWindow(16, 7, 6, 68, 3, 7, 5, 3, "", 0)
FOR row = 17 TO 20
READ line$
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, 10, 112)
NEXT row
CALL PutScrn(ScrnBuf(0))
IF mouse THEN
CALL PrtScrn(mstat$, 25, sctr, 30)
CALL MouseLimits(6, 6, 13, 38, 1) ' -------------------
CALL MouseLocate(11, 22, 1) '
CALL MouseCursor(9, 7, 30) '
CALL MouseReset(2) ' Save mouse state #1
CALL MouseVisible(1) ' Mouse pointer on
CALL MouseClick(lft, mid, rgt) ' Typical wait for a
LOOP UNTIL lft OR rgt ' mouse button
CALL MouseLimits(6, 43, 13, 75, 1) ' -------------------
CALL MouseLocate(11, 59, 1) '
CALL MouseCursor(14, 0, 24) '
CALL MouseReset(4) ' Save mouse state #2
pos$ = mpos1$: mode = 1
DO ' Loop conditional to
CALL MouseClick(lft, mid, rgt) ' mouse button
IF rgt AND switch THEN
CALL MouseVisible(0) ' Turn old cursor off
CALL MouseReset(5) ' Recall mouse state #2
CALL MouseVisible(1) ' Turn new cursor on
switch = FALSE
CALL MouseVisible(0) ' Turn old cursor off
CALL MouseReset(3) ' Recall mouse state #1
CALL MouseVisible(1) ' Turn new cursor on
CALL PrtScrn("Black Hole", 8, 18, 12)
switch = TRUE
IF switch THEN ' Mouse state #1
CALL MouseExclude(7, 14, 9, 31, 1) ' Black hole area
CALL MousePosition(mr, mc, 1) ' Turn cursor on
IF mr < 7 OR mr > 9 OR mc < 14 OR mc > 31 THEN ' outside of
CALL MouseVisible(1) ' excluded area
ELSE ' Mouse state #2
IF lft THEN ' Toggle modes
IF mode = 0 THEN
pos$ = mpos1$: mode = 1
pos$ = mpos2$: mode = 0
CALL MousePosition(r, c, mode) ' Return mouse position
LOCATE 14, 50: COLOR 12, 0: PRINT USING pos$; r; c
LOOP UNTIL lft AND switch
CALL MouseVisible(0)
READ line$, line$
ELSE ' Print no mouse text
CALL PrtScrn("Black Hole", 8, 18, 12)
CALL DoWindow(21, 7, 4, 68, 12, 0, 1, 0, CONT$, 3)
FOR row = 22 TO 23
READ line$: lctr = Ctr(line$)
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, lctr, 14)
NEXT row
CALL Delay(60, 0)
CALL GetScrn(ScrnBuf(0))
CALL DoWindow(8, 12, 11, 56, 6, 0, 5, 0, prompt$, 3)
FOR row = 10 TO 16
READ line$: lctr = Ctr(line$)
IF row < 12 THEN att = 15 ELSE att = 10
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, lctr, att)
NEXT row
CALL Delay(60, 0)
CALL DoWindow(1, 1, 25, 80, 15, 4, 5, 0, "Q4Tool Demo", 2)
CALL DoWindow(3, 6, 21, 69, 15, 0, 5, 0, "", 3)
CALL PrtScrn(cpyr$, 25, 25, 79)
READ line$: lctr = Ctr(line$)
CALL PrtScrn(line$, 5, lctr, 12)
FOR row = 7 TO 19
READ line$: lctr = Ctr(line$)
CALL PrtScrn(line$, row, lctr, 14)
NEXT row
CALL PrtScrn(prompt$, 21, pctr, 10)
CALL Delay(90, 0)
IF mouse THEN CALL MouseReset(0)
ah = 7: al = 25 ' Example of system Interrupt
bh = 7: bl = 0 ' to clear a screen window
ch = 0: cl = 0 ' with int 10h function 7h
dh = 24: dl = 79 ' (ah = scroll down)
InReg.ax = (ah * 256) + al ' Conversion of high and low
InReg.bx = (bh * 256) + bl ' byte for acceptance by QB
InReg.cx = (ch * 256) + cl '
InReg.dx = (dh * 256) + dl '
CALL Interrupt(&H10, InReg, OutReg) ' Returns nothing
DATA "Welcome to the world of the"
DATA "Q4Tool Library [Q4T]"
DATA "═══════════════════════════"," "
DATA "This program is set up to demonstrate the"
DATA "features of the Q4T Library. This library"
DATA "is designed to work with Microsoft (R),"
DATA "QuickBASIC 4.xx (C). The source code for"
DATA "this demo is provided so you can examine"
DATA "the actual usage of these Q4T routines."
DATA " Shall we begin? "
DATA "This program detects the presence of a"
DATA "mouse driver, version no. . Do you"
DATA "wish to use your mouse throughout this"
DATA "demonstration? "," "
DATA " (Y) - (N) "
DATA "First you will see the various windowing"
DATA "frame styles and a demonstration of the"
DATA "screen save and restore routines. "
DATA "Q4Tool offers a"
DATA "wide variety of"
DATA "frame styles."
DATA "----------------"
DATA "The window title"
DATA "can be placed at"
DATA "top or bottom. "
DATA "Each window screen was saved with PutScrn()."
DATA "We will now use GetScrn() and recall those"
DATA "nine screens. "
DATA "Now we will add a .33 second delay and"
DATA "again recycle through the saved screens."
DATA "** Window Shadow Styles **"
DATA "left side and bottom"," "
DATA "* black in color *"
DATA "right side and bottom"," "
DATA "* black in color *"
DATA "left side and bottom"," "
DATA "* tinted black *"
DATA "right side and bottom"," "
DATA "* tinted black *"
DATA "So far this demonstration has used the following"
DATA "routines with a combined number of 72 occurrences."," "
DATA " MouseStatus() - DoWindow() - PrtScrn() "
DATA " Delay() - PutScrn() - GetScrn() - Ctr() "
DATA "Next is a demonstration of a mouse and key"
DATA "driven menu created with routines from Q4T."
DATA "Next will be a demonstration of the various"
DATA "mouse services offered in the Q4Tool Library."
DATA "The right mouse button will toggle between the separate mouse"
DATA "states. While in mouse state #2, the left mouse button will"
DATA "toggle between modes for MousePosition(). While in mouse"
DATA "state #1, the left mouse button will exit Mouse Services. "
DATA "Sorry, but a mouse driver is not detected by this program."
DATA "A demonstration of the mouse services can not be done."
DATA "The following routines are used in the mouse"
DATA "services demonstration. ", " "
DATA "MouseStatus() MouseReset() MousePosition()"
DATA "MouseLocate() MouseLimits() MouseVersion() "
DATA "MouseVisible() MouseExclude() MouseCursor() "
DATA "MouseClick() "
DATA " == Q4Tool Library (Q4T) =="
DATA "This concludes the short demonstration of the features"
DATA "offered by the Q4Tool Library. Every routine in Q4T"
DATA "was used in this demo. One half of the 252 lines"
DATA "of code in this program contain a Q4Tool statement."
DATA "The features offered in this library are common to"
DATA "most programming needs. The prototypes and a full"
DATA "description of these routines are documented in the"
DATA "file Q4TOOL.DOC. Information on the object files and"
DATA "source codes for the routines in Q4T is also available"
DATA "in this file. "," "
DATA "Microsoft is a registered trademark of the Microsoft"
DATA "Corporation. Good Luck and Enjoy! "
' The source code for this demonstration is very simple. It
' should, however, give you a better idea as to the practical use
' of the Q4Tool library routines. Q4T is designed to be a small
' library containing the routines generally needed most. The
' mouse services and windowing are the backbone of this library.
' There's few programs, large or small, that couldn't utilize
' these features.
' The complete Q4Tool Library is distributed as the file
' Q4TOOL.ZIP and contains the following files:
' Information on the availability of the source and object codes
' for Q4Tool is found in the file Q4TOOL.DOC. You can always
' obtain the latest version of Q4Tool from CompuServe (R), IBMPRO,
' LIB 4 (Browse Q4T) or directly from CareWare.
' Q4Tool is copyrighted to the author with all rights reserved and
' is distributed as a Shareware product. If you acquire Q4Tool
' and decide to use its services, than a registration fee of
' $30.00 is required. This fee, when paid, entitles you to full
' usage and support of this product, and the latest version of
' Q4Tool, with OBJ modules and ShowMenu source, on disk.
' _______
' ____|__ | (R)
' R. J. Crouch --| | |-------------------
' CareWare | ____|__ | Association of
' 10217 Ridge View Dr. | | |_| Shareware
' Grass Valley, CA 95945 |__| o | Professionals
' -----| | |---------------------
' |___|___| MEMBER
' Microsoft is registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.